Connecting Youth Partners Kick-Off Activities For 2024

8th Edition of the EUSAIR Annual Forum:Strengthening Connecting Youth partners knowledge about INTERREG IPA and EUSAIR

The Proposal Of “Connecting Youth” Platform At Tirana Connectivity Forum 2022

Young people, youth organizations, youngsters, and civil society organizations have always been involved since the first edition of Tirana Connectivity Forum back in 2015. Under the title “Securely Connected”, on 26-28 September the 8th edition of Tirana Connectivity Forum took place in Tirana.

Connecting Youth At The Young Bled Strategic Forum 2022

For the fourth year, the Cooperation and Development Institute and Connecting Youth platform partnered with Young Bled Strategic Forum. This year’s Forum was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from the 26th to the 28th of August.

Sectoral youth employment opportunities

Perspectives from WB6 youth organizations

Youth Guarantee Deployment in the WB6

Institutional set-up and a perspective from youth organizations

Advocacy visit to Brussels

Fostering WB6 youth connectedness to EU institutions: exchange of youth perspectives on Enlargement toolkit implementation in WB6

Youth Upfront! - Learn more about our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

Ever since 2017, Connecting Youth works as a methodical initiative to promote the cooperation and dialogue between youth as means for a resilient and diverse region

What's in for youth in the EIP?

A joint position paper by Connecting Youth partners.

We Provide Youth Solutions


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Voice Up

Ready to Voice Up? Welcome to our vlog, a new CY feature dedicated to youth voice. This year the vlog is dedicated to the European Year of Skills 2023. Click here to learn more!

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Call for Articles

Connecting Youth invites submissions from young readers to highlight the voices of youth in the Western Balkans. Our objective is to encourage youth participation in discussions crucial to our region's development, focusing on inclusive solutions for socio-economic progress.a...



Key takeaways from CY contribution at the 9th EUSAIR Forum

Connecting Youth partners attended the 9th Edition of the EUSAIR Forum that took place in Šibenik (Croatia), on 15 and 16 May 2024. ...



Connecting Youth partners kick-off activities for 2024

Youth engagement is a fundamental pillar in the EU integration process of the Western Balkans. While progress has been made in recognizing the importance of youth inclusion, concerted efforts are needed to address existing challenges and foster an environment conducive to meaningful participation. As the region progresses towards EU integration, giving precedence to empowering and engaging youth becomes imperative. ...



CY participates in Tirana Connectivity Forum 2023 “Reloading Enlargement’

One of the key objectives of Connecting Youth Platform is empowering youth and involving them in the tables and foras that count. The dialogue between youth organizations and relevant institutions is indeed a crucial participation tool and an engaging element when it comes to incentivizing youth civic and active involvement and positioning. ...



Building the know-how of Connecting Youth network in EU Cohesion-led instruments: EUSAIR and INTERREG programmes

Empowering and building skills is one of the main objectives of Connecting Youth work since 2017. CY platform continually increases the capacities of its members, develops their skills and abilities so that ...



8th Edition of the EUSAIR Annual Forum: Strengthening Connecting Youth Partners Knowledge about INTERREG IPA and EUSAIR

In the framework of the CY Strategy 2022-2024 and CY 2023 Action plan supported by Hanns Seidel Foundation, CY partners attended a visit to Sarajevo in the framework of the 8th Edition of the EUSAIR Forum. ...



Connecting Youth - Kick Off Meeting 2023

CY continues its work to further strengthen youth connectivity in the region. For the 7th year in a row the CY team gathered to discuss the working priorities for 2023. Hosted by our partner National Youth Council of Macedonia, the Kickoff Meeting brought the partners together at Europe House in Skopje, on 14 March. Yearly meeting in one of the WB6 Capitals will be from now on the new tradition of CY Team. ...



Youth Guarantee in Montenegro

On 9 November 2022, the High School Students Union of Montenegro (UNSCG), one of the Connecting Youth partners organised a panel discussion on "Youth Guarantees in Montenegro" as part of their VIII General Assembly. To discuss the progress of this scheme implementation in Montenegro, representatives from institutions, the Youth Guarantee working group, youth organisations and high school students were present. ...



Youth Guarantee as a path toward better youth employability

On 17 November, the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the partners of the Connecting Youth Platform organized a one-day event based on "Youth Guarantee Deployment in the WB6" and "Sectoral Youth Employment Opportunities" policy papers published this year by CY. ...

Be part of our community

CY counts more than 300 youth friends in the Western Balkans Region.




Bosnia and Herzegovina




North Macedonia





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